The Rarity of Rubies
July is upon us, which means the Cincinnati heat has set in! It also means that it's the month of fiery red rubies. For anyone with a July birthday, the ruby is this month's birthstone.
Rubies are one of the most popular traditional gemstones, known for their durability and vibrant red color.
The Rarest Rubies
Rubies are considered to be one of the rarest gemstones. It is especially rare to find fine rubies that are larger than one carat. One of the most valuable rubies is a Burmese ruby, which is thought to be the most desirable gemstone in the world. Rubies mined in Burma exhibit exceptional clarity, pure red color, and excellent transparency.
Seeing Red
The word "ruby" is near synonymous with the color red. The ruby's bold, natural red hue comes from minute amounts of chromium inside the crystal. The higher the amount of chromium in the stone, the stronger and more vibrant the scarlet color.
Have you ever noticed how a ruby glows in the sunlight? This is because the UV rays from the sun enhance the chromium, causing it to glow. This also occurs because of a ruby's tendency to absorb blue and green light and emit red light.
Sharing the Gift of Rubies
Since rubies are July's birthstone, consider gifting ruby jewelry to a friend with a July birthday. A delicate pendant, bold earrings, or dainty ring would be an unforgettable birthday present!
Rubies are also traditionally gifted during a couple's 40th wedding anniversary. We can't think of a better way to signify four decades of love than a stunning red ruby.
Ruby Birthday or Anniversary Gift Ideas at Schulz Jewelers: